Majors and Minors

The choice of your academic program(s) is an important part of the student academic journey at UNH. Before deciding to change your major, make changes with your current major, or add a minor, be sure to meet with advisors from your current and/or prospective majors to ensure that these changes align with your academic and career goals.

To make changes to your major or minor, follow the steps outlined below based on your current campus.

Majors: Declare, Change or Drop

Undergraduate Students

If you want to:

Follow these steps:

  • Request a Change of Major or Option
  • Add/Drop a second Major or Option
  1. Login to Webcat
  2. Select Student Records
  3. Select Change of Major
  • Add/Drop a Third Major
  • Add a Self-Designated Major
  • Change from a Four-Year program to a Thompson School program
  • Change campuses between Durham and Manchester
  • Declare/Drop a Dual Degree

File a Major Program Change form

Collect signatures in the following order:

  1. Current Advisor(s)
  2. Current College Dean
  3. New Advisor(s)
  4. New College Dean
  • Change to a program offered by the College of Professional Studies - Online (CPSO)

Submit an application and Change of Campus Request form and an advisor will contact you.
If you prefer to be speak with an advisor prior to submitting the application and form call (603) 472-4255.

If you want to:

Follow these steps:

  • Request a Change of Major or Option
  • Change from one degree level to another
  • Add/Drop an Option
Consult your academic advisor to discuss your interests. If the change is agreed upon, your academic advisor will submit the request on your behalf.
  • Change to a program offered by the Durham or Manchester campus.
Submit an application through the Office of Admissions in order to ensure that you meet the admission requirements for your desired campus and program.

Graduate Students

If you want to:

Follow these steps:

  • Change of Degree/Program

More Information and Instructions

Complete a Change of Degree Form

  • Secondary Certificate
Complete Application
  • Self-Designed Dual Degree Option
Email to set up a meeting with the Graduate School Dean's Office

If you want to:

Follow these steps:

  • Request a Change of Program/Major or Option
  • Change from one degree level to another
  • Add/Drop an Option

Consult your academic advisor to discuss your interests. If the change is agreed upon, your academic advisor will submit the request on your behalf.


Minors: Declare, Change or Drop

Before deciding to add or change a minor, be sure to meet with your advisor to ensure that any changes align with your academic and career goals.

Students may declare up to two minors in Webcat. To declare additional minors contact

Notice: Students who have already submitted an intent to graduate for the current term cannot use Webcat for minor(s) and must submit a Declaration of Minor form.

Eligibility to declare a minor(s) offered by the Durham or Manchester campus:

  • Students must be matriculated and pursuing a bachelor's degree at either the Durham or Manchester campus. Undeclared students are not eligible to declare a minor(s).
  • Students must be pursuing a minor in a field different from their major.
  • Student must have completed a minimum of 12 credits of coursework at UNH.

When to declare a minor:

  • Students must declare a minor by the end of the junior year and a minor must be declared before students 'Apply to Graduate' (Intent to Graduate).

Additional Information & Resources:

  • Academic policies related to Minors.
  • Durham and Manchester Approved Minors List
  • Minors are recorded on the student academic record (transcript) only and are not printed on diplomas.
  • Students are responsible for dropping a minor if they decide to no longer pursue the minor.
  • Students will follow the minor requirements for the academic catalog year the minor is declared.
  • Students are responsible for tracking progress towards completing minor requirements and must work with the Minor Coordinator to ensure requirements are complete in Degree Works. If requirements are not complete in the student's Degree Works audit by graduation, the minor(s) will be dropped.
  • Students with a pending major change must wait until the major change is approved before declaring a minor.
  • Students that want to drop a second major and declare a minor instead must first consult with their advisor to drop the second major. Once the major drop is approved, students may then declare a minor.


Webcat Step by Step Instructions

If you want to:

Follow these steps:

Declare (Add) Minor

  1. Login to Webcat
  2. Select Student Records menu
  3. Select Declaration of Minor
  4. Click Add New Minor
  5. Select Minor from dropdown list
  6. Click Save
  7. Review selection and click OK to declare minor

Download Step by Step Guide

Drop a Minor

  1. Login to Webcat
  2. Select Student Records menu
  3. Select Declaration of Minor
  4. Identify minor to drop and click Delete
  5. Review selection and click OK to drop minor

Download Step by Step Guide

Change a Minor

  1. Login to Webcat
  2. Select Student Records menu
  3. Select Declaration of Minor
  4. Identify minor to change and click Replace
  5. Select minor from the dropdown list
  6. Click Save
  7. Review selection and click OK to change minor

Download Step by Step Guide




If you would like to add, drop or change a minor, contact your advisor.